Sunday, August 15, 2010

Season Three: Crystal's Monolgue

Dearest Miss Rose,

I've been catching up on your blog, and I am in love with the Spokes in the Wheel of Love piece! I'm wondering if you'd mind me using a cutting of it for an audition monologue


Dear Crystal~

I'd be honored if you would use this for an audition! Let me know what you think!

Love, Rose

"Wheels in the Spokes of Love" by Rose Kinne


Jeff. I think it's time we talk about the monkey wrench you keep jamming in the Spokes of Our Love. Do you know how many young adult males out there are constantly screwing up their relationships? I've been reading this book, “Spokes in the Wheel of Love"

(She starts digging through her bag, mostly filled with used tissues)

And in Chapter Three, “Rocks, Small Animals, and other Obstacles in The Bike Trail to Commitment”, if--

(and here she whips out a highly over-read and abused chapter book),

--wait, ah, “if he doesn’t call back after two weeks, then the next step is a bold declaration of his feelings, for example a surprise visit at your doorstep”. Do you know how many times I’ve been available in the past two weeks? A lot. Sometimes I come home multiple times a day. If I come home at least twice a day for the past two weeks…and there’s seven days a week… I can’t do math, so let's just say I’ve come home a lot in the last two weeks Jeff. And you haven’t been there. Once. Not once! In all of those probably more than ten times you haven’t been there once. That is not good math.

Why aren’t you outside my house right now? Why don’t you miss me? Don't you want to experience the Trail of Commitment with me here? It's not that hard Jeff! Just remove your monkey wrench from the spokes of love, avoid the road kill of uncertainty, and push on the pedals of true intimacy so we can GLIDE PEACEFULLY DOWN THE TRAIL OF COMMITMENT TOGETHER!!

(end scene)


  1. Ha ha I love it! It reminds of me of the Maglite of Magnanimity!

  2. I looooovvee it!!! Can you please write a monologue for me? :O)
